Student Solution


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Week 5 PowerPoint Presentation

Week 5 PowerPoint Presentation

Q Please attach your PowerPoint presentation here. The PowerPoint Presentation must be on a topic pertinent to this course, integrating two humanities disciplines. The PowerPoint must be 6-8 slides in length (not counting a bibliography slide). The presentation is due [Week 5, Day 3]. The PowerPoint Presentation will be evaluated according to each of the following categories on a scale of 1 to 5: * Accuracy of the content. * Two-discipline Integration, that is, the presentation incorporates two of the humanities disciplines. * Presentation, that is, the quality of the writing is solid, sources are properly cited, and the overall presentation is aesthetically clean and appealing. The points will then be totaled (out of a possible 15). That total will then be multiplied by 5 in order to give a score on a scale of 75 points. Additional information concerning the PowerPointassignment: The PowerPoint Presentation must integrate two humanities disciplines. For example, 9 if you choose to present about India, then you would be sure to give some information on two humanities disciplines, such asIndia's architecture and religion, and give examples. You might want to compare two cultures; for example, you could compare the monumental buildings and sculptures of Egypt to those of Mesopotamia, noting characteristics each might share, where they differ, and give examples. Pictures are welcome to help illustrate points. This is not a major research project. Two or three sources are fine, and you may use Fiero's textbook and my PowerPoint slides. You are free to consult other sources. If you find that you develop a real interest in the topic for this assignment, you may continue your research and use the topic for your Integrated Research Paper due in Week 8. Audio narration is not required. I am the only audience for these presentations. Quotation marks must be used for direct quotations, and the sources given in in-text citations.

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Egyptians were polytheistic which means that they used to believe in more than one god. They believed that there is a specific god for every function of life and also, they developed certain concepts about the looks of the gods. Dosoo (2018) noted that “In addition to gods, three other categories of divine beings played important roles in Egyptian religious practice: kings, sacred and divine animals, and the dead.” Egyptian religions were centered around the sacred temples dedicated to the Gods and Dosoo (2018) further noted that “Three mythic cycles are key to its understanding: the creation of the world, and the related solar cycle, which describe the origin and maintenance of the world, and the Osiris cycle, which provides a justification for the human institutions of kingship and funerary rites.” Egyptians developed a concept that connected humans, gods and the animals as they imagined the gods with animal heads such as the god of death Anubis.